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Reimagining Education
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Reimagining Education

Edited by Darren ChettyAngelique Golding, and Nicola RollockWasafiri 112: Reimagining Education considers what education means within and beyond the classroom, investigating government intervention and the exploration and reclamation of decolonisation, and addressing the forces of change and continuity in Britain today. Featuring interviews with Inua Ellams, Gary Younge, and Steve Garner; fiction from Durre Shawar and Jade E Bradford; poetry from Salena GoddenBakita Kasadha, and Marvin Thompson; life writing from Diane Leedham, and much more, this is an issue not to be missed.

In celebration of Wasafiri 112, and exclusively on the Wasafiri website, we're offering a bundle of four issues for £38: Wasafiri 112: Reimagining Education, Wasafiri 64: Black Britain: Beyond Definition, Wasafiri 60: New Generations: Writing for Children and Young Adults, and Wasafiri 6/7, our double issue, Focus on Education. This bundle also includes a free copy of Wasafiri Young London Writes, our 2014 special issue exclusively written and illustrated by students across London. Together, these five issues provide a wide-ranging, nuanced look at educational systems and decolonisation across our rich archive, spanning thirty-five years.

Individual issues

Issue 112
Wasafiri 112: Reimaging Education
Wasafiri 112: Reimaging Education
Issue 64
Wasafiri 64: Black Britain - Beyond Definition
Wasafiri 64: Black Britain - Beyond Definition
Issue 60
Wasafiri 60: New Generations - Writing for Children and Young Adults
Wasafiri 60: New Generations - Writing for Children and Young Adults
Issue 6
Wasafiri 6 & 7: Focus on Education
Wasafiri 6 & 7: Focus on Education
. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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