Get Wasafiri 116: Shorelines: South East Asia and the Littoral, together with Wasafiri 66: Indian Oceans, Wasafiri 25: Pacific Writing Special, and Wasafiri 106: Water. Together, this selection of issues considers multiple regions and encounters – from migration to ecology to cartography and cultural continuity – at the shoreline, between lands and water.
Wasafiri 116: Shorelines: South East Asia and the Littoral, is our winter special issue guest edited by Nazry Bahrawi, Joanne Leow, and Y-Dang Troeung. This issue focuses on a range of creative, critical, and artistic work from Singapore, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, and Myanmar and their diasporas, providing 'place-based testimonies and glimpses into the complex experiences of existing on the shoreline'.
Individual issues