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Translating Lives

Translating Lives

Edited by Farhaana Arefin and Malachi McIntosh, Wasafiri 111: Translating Lives considers translation as a practice and as a metaphor for all creative writing. With fiction from Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o and Chinmay Sharma, a conversation with Will Harris, a special selection of life writing curated by Nina Mingya Powles and Stacey Teague, poetry from Hu Xudong, Jane Wong, and more, it's an issue that delves into the heart of what translation means for the writer, translator, and reader.

In celebration of Wasafiri 111, and exclusively on the Wasafiri website, we're offering a bundle of four issues for £33: Wasafiri 111: Translating Lives, Wasafiri 102: Japan: Literatures of Remembering, Wasafiri 82: The Brazilian Contemporary, and Wasafiri 40: Focus on Translation, our very first translation-focused issue. Together, these four issues provide a wide-ranging and global look at the nuances and meaning of translation over the last twenty years.

Individual issues

Issue 111
Wasafiri 111: Translating Lives
Wasafiri 111: Translating Lives
Issue 102
Wasafiri 102: Japan - Literatures of Remembering
Wasafiri 102: Japan - Literatures of Remembering
Issue 82
Wasafiri 82: The Brazilian Contemporary
Wasafiri 82: The Brazilian Contemporary
Issue 40
Wasafiri 40
Wasafiri 40
. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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