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Purchase our 2023 summer special issue, Wasafiri 114: Windrush – Writing the Scandal – guest co-edited by Henghameh Saroukhani and John McLeod – alongside three other relevant issues, all of which consider different facets of the Windrush scandal and generation: Wasafiri 94: Windrush Women, Wasafiri 36: Writing in Britain - Shifting Geographies, and Wasafiri 5: Focus on the Caribbean. 

Together these four issues focus on how we aesthetically and politically reckon with the Windrush scandal — its history and legacy, its resonances and 'shifting geographies' – and also cover topics such as The Caribbean Artists Movement and the Black British canon. 

Individual issues

Issue 94
Wasafiri 94
Wasafiri 94
Issue 36
Wasafiri 36
Wasafiri 36
Issue 5
Wasafiri 5: Caribbean Focus
Wasafiri 5: Caribbean Focus
Issue 114
Wasafiri 114: Windrush – Writing the Scandal
Wasafiri 114: Windrush – Writing the Scandal
. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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