Wasafiri 11: Focus on Canon Formation
Focus on Canon Formation Essay by Nayantara Sahgal Interviews with Lorna Goodison and Valerie Belgrave Poetry by Lorna Goodison, O R Dathorne and Gerald Noonan Fiction by Marlene Nourbese Philip
Essay by Nayantara Sahgal
Interviews with Lorna Goodison and Valerie Belgrave
Poetry by Lorna Goodison, O R Dathorne and Gerald Noonan
Fiction by Marlene Nourbese Philip
Reviews of Namba Roy's No Black Sparrows, Beverley Naidoo's Chain of Fire, Gita Mehta's Raj
Susheila Nasta and Lyn Innes
Editorial Note
Jane Bryce
Commonwealth Literature: 25 Years
Anne Walmsley
From ‘Nature’ to ‘Roots’: School Anthologies and a Caribbean Canon
Carolyn Cooper
Words Unbroken by the Beat: The Performance Poetry of Jean Binta Breeze and Mikey Smith
Bernth Lindfors
The Teaching of African Literature in Anglophone African Universities: An Instructive Canon
Robert Bush
GCSE and Multicultural Literature
Nayantara Sahgal
The Schizophrenic Imagination
Denise deCaires Narain
Interviews Lorna Goodison
William Tanifeani
Interviews Valerie Belgrave: novelist, visual artist
Marlene Nourbese Philip
Fiction: Bad Words
Lorna Goodison
About Almonds and Ambergris and other poems
O R Dathorne
Poem: Dialogue in a Gutter
Gerald Noonan
Poem: At an Afro-Caribbean Conference
Marlene Nourbese Philip
Poem: From ‘And Over Every Land and Sea’
Denise deCaires Narain
Mahadai Das Bones
Grace Nichols Lazy Thoughts of a Lazy Woman
Imogen Forster
Pamela Mordecai and Betty Wilson, ed Her True-True Name: An Anthology of Women’s Writing from the Caribbean P
Velma Pollard Considering Woman Velma Pollard Crown Point and Other Poems
Fred D’Aguiar
Stewart Brown Lugard’s Bridge
Louis James
ewart Brown, Mervyn Morris and Gordon Rohlehr, ed An Anthology of Oral and Related Poetry from the Caribbean
E A Markham, ed Hinterland: Caribbean Poetry from the West Indies and Britain
C Hayball
Gita Mehta Raj
Maxine Beahan
Beverley Naidoo Chain of Fire
Alison Archer
Erna Brodber Myal
S J Wiseman
Marlene Nourbese Philip Harriet’s Daughter
C L Innes
Valerie Belgrave Ti Marie
Delia Jarrett-Macaulay
Namba Roy No Black Sparrows
Julia Swindells
Peter Brooker and Peter Humm, ed Dialogues and Difference: English Into the Nineties
Robin Dizard
Report on ACLALS’ Silver Jubilee Conference