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Issue 13, Spring 1991

Wasafiri 13: Focus on South Asian Writing

Focus on South Asian Writing Interviews with M G Vassanji Fiction by M G Vassanji and Lakshmi Kannan Poetry by Debjani Chatterjee, Tariq Latif and R Raj Roa Articles on South Asian literature in Britain and Multiculturalism 


Interviews with M G Vassanji

Fiction by M G Vassanji and Lakshmi Kannan

Poetry by Debjani Chatterjee, Tariq Latif and R Raj Roa

Articles on South Asian literature in Britain and Multiculturalism in education

Reviews of Salman Rushdie's Haroun and the Sea of Stories and Wole Soyinka's ‘Isara’: A Voyage Around ‘Essay’


Susheila Nasta
Editorial Note

Ronald Warwick
Studies of South Asian Literature in Britain: A Personal View

Lakshmi Holmström
The Inner Courtyard: Making an Anthology

Venkat Rao
Self Formations: Speculations on the question of Postcoloniality

Annie Koshi
The Afro-Asian and American Dreams of Race Relations in Bahadur Tejani’s Day After Tomorrow

Anders Sjobohm
‘Someone Smashed in the Door and Gave Me My Freedom’: The Writings of Jean Arasanayagam

Agnes Lam
British Universities and Black/Asian Candidates

Susheila Nasta
Interviews M G Vassanji

Debjani Chatterjee
To the English Language and other poems

Lakshmi Kannan
Poems: Burnt Brown by the Sun and Draupadi

P N Banerji
On Seeing the Saffron Robed Man by the Ganges, Varanasi

K G Sankara Pillai
Poem: Photos in Various Poses (E V Ramakrishnan, trans)

R Raj Rao
Poem: On Visiting Jejuri Ten Years After Kolatkar’s Famous Poem

Varavar Rao
Poem: From Voice of Unity

Tariq Latif
Poem: Uncle Mustka

Bibek Jena
Poem: Prayer (Bibhu Padhi, trans)

Kakoli Thompson
Fiction: In the Last Light

Lakshmi Kannan
Fiction: Parijata

M G Vassanji
Fiction: Leaving


Robert Bush
Pleasures and Sufferings of Different Worlds: The Novels of Adam Zameenzad

Catherine Cundy
Paul Scott: Conflicts and Obsessions

A R Bex
Salman Rushdie Haroun and the Sea of Stories

Imogen Forster
Adewale Maja-Pearce How Many Miles to Babylon?

Gabriel Gbadamosi
Wole Soyinka ‘Ìsarà’: A Voyage Around ‘Essay’

Dennis Walder
Lyn Innes Chinua Achebe

John Craddock
Roy and Clifford Narinesingh, ed Sunshine and Shadow: A Caribbean Anthology
Maureen Alcorn and Amanda Ebborn, ed Squeeze Words Hard: Poetry for GCSE
Abdul Malik, ed De Home Place: Poems for Renewal by Young People of Caribbean Origin

C W Watson
John Welch, ed Stories from South Asia

David Saunders
New Literatures in English: Cross Cultural Readings


Malcolm Turvey
African Cinema: A Brief Overview

Maggy Hendry
The Kitchen Toto , Harry Hook, 1987

. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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