Wasafiri 20: 10th Anniversary Special
10th Anniversary Special Interviews with Caryl Phillips and Nayantara Sahgal Poetry by Jean Arasanayagam, Valerie Bloom, Wilson Harris, Olu Oguibe, Ian Iqbal Rashidand Sudeep Sen. Fiction by Newton Aduaka and Suniti Namjoshi...
Autumn 1994
10th Anniversary Special
Interviews with Caryl Phillips and Nayantara Sahgal
Poetry by Jean Arasanayagam, Valerie Bloom, Wilson Harris, Olu Oguibe, Ian Iqbal Rashidand Sudeep Sen.
Fiction by Newton Aduaka and Suniti Namjoshi
Essay by Wilson Harris
Articles on Wide Sargasso Sea, Toni Morrison, Sam Selvon and contemporary British writing
Reviews of Bonnie Greer's Hanging by Her Teeth, Zakes Mda's When People Play People: Developing Communication Through Theatre and Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader edited by Patrick Williams and Laura Chrisman
Editorial: The Scramble for New Literatures
Peter Hulme
The Place of Wide Sargasso Sea
Jean Arasanayagam
Poem: Rewriting a History
Ian Iqbal Rashid
Goa and other poems
Aamer Hussein
Changing Seasons: Postcolonial or ‘Other’ Writing in Britain Today
Suniti Namjoshi
Fiction: Like Arjuna…
Verna P Moll
Poems: Testimony and I Found Myself in Kenya
John C Lyons
Behind The Carnival and other poems
Maya Jaggi
Interviews Caryl Phillips
Sudeep Sen
April’s Air and other poems
Newton Aduaka
Fiction: The Witch
Olu Oguibe
Poetry: Songs for Catalina
Wilson Harris
Quetzalcoatl and the Smoking Mirror: Reflections on Originality and Tradition
Minoli Salgado
Interviews Nayantara Sahgal
Valerie Bloom
Drivin’ tes’ and other poems
Accabre Huntley
Ken Puddicombe
Fiction: My Grandfather’s Garden of Earthly Delights
Helen Thomas
Toni Morrison: A Profile
Ken Ramchand, Susheila Nasta and Cyril Dabydeen
Memories of Sam Selvon
Cyril Dabydeen
Poem: Cogitating
Angus Calder
Anna Grimshaw, ed The C L R James Reader
C L R James American Civilisation
Jagdish S Gundara and Ian Duffield, ed Essays on the History of Blacks in Britain
Jaqueline Kaye
Rasheed El-Enany Naguib Mahfouz: The Pursuit of Meaning
Monica Turci and Jon Kear
Bonnie Greer Hanging by her Teeth
Annalisa Oboe
Brenda Cooper To Lay These Secrets Open: Evaluating African Writing
Shaun Richards
C L Innes Woman and Nation in Irish Literature and Society, 1880-1935
Rod Edmond
C K Stead, ed The Faber Book of Contemporary South Pacific Stories
Paul Sharrad, ed Readings in Pacific Literature
D C R A Goonetilleke
Firdous Azim The Colonial Rise of the Novel
Robert J C Young
Patrick Williams and Laura Chrisman, ed Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader
Kelley King Reidt
Kofi N Awoonor Comes the Voyager at Last
Anthony Ilona
Cyril Dabydeen Jogging in Havana
John Robert Lee
Frank Collymore The Man Who Loved Attending Funerals and Other Stories
Stewart Brown
Stephen Chan Trespassers by Martin Turner Crimson Train
Neville Grant
Stephen Landrigan The Pan Beaters
Femi Abodunrin
Zakes Mda When People Play People: Development Communication Through Theatre
Esiaba Irobi
Chris Dunton Make Man Talk True: Nigerian Drama Since 1970
Adrian Roscoe and Mpalive-Hangson Msiska, ed The Quiet Chameleon: Modern Poetry from Central Africa