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Issue 3, Autumn 1985

Wasafiri 3

Robert Fraser on Kojo Laing, including an extract from Search Sweet Country / Short stories by Veronique Tadjo and Mike Phillips / An extract from Anya Asale’s Panman / Poems by Fred D’Aguiar and David Dabydeen / A review of Wole Soyinka’s Blues for the Prodigal


Prabhu Guptara
Editorial: A Triumph to Have Happened at All

Joyce Johnson
Bessie Head and the Oral Tradition: The Structure of Maru

Robert Fraser
Kojo Laing: Profile and Extract from Search Sweet Country

Russell McDougall
Okonkwo’s Walk: The Choreography of Things Fall Apart

Veronique Tadjo
Fiction: The Magician and the Girl

Anya Asale
Extract from Panman

Mike Phillips
Fiction: The Smell of the Coast

Leslie Anthony Goffe
Poem: Seamstress

Marsha Prescod
Poem: May the Force be with You

David Dabydeen
Poem: Ballad of the Little Black Boy

Fred D’Aguiar
Black British and other poems

Alexander Baron
Poems: Rebel; 26


Neville Grant
Elizabeth Gunner A Handbook for Teaching African Literature

John Welch
South Asian Poetry for the English Classroom

Lyn Innes
Britt Olinder, ed A Sense of Place: Essays in Post-Colonial Literature

Adetokunbo Pearse
Ellen Kuzwayo Call Me Woman

James Gibbs
Wole Soyinka, dir Blues for the Prodigal

. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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