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Issue 34

Wasafiri 34

Issue 34: Autumn 2001

Interview with Bernardine Evaristo

Essays by Tabish Khair and Caryl Phillips

Reviews of Stewart Brown's Elsewhere, John Agard's Weblines, Peter Hulme's Remnants of Conquest: The Island Caribs and their Visitors, 1877-1998 and

Thomas Scanlan's Colonial Writing and the New World 1583-1671: Allegories of Desire


David Johnson

Prem Poddar
From Uruch Beg to Don Juan de Persia

Lars Jensen
Are You Familiar with the Northern Lights?

Alastair Niven
Interviews Bernardine Evaristo

Bernardine Evaristo
Extract from The Emperor's Babe

Fiona Wilson
The Diary of Thomas Campbell: An Irishman In England

Karen Racine
X-Ray of the Republic: Francisco de Miranda's Observations of Boston Life in September 1784

Tabish Khair
Remembering To Forget Abu Taleb

Caryl Phillips
A New World Order

Sadik Rdadd
Nineteenth-Century France In The Eyes of a Moroccan Traveller

Shane Moran
Specimens of 'Bushman' Studies

Robert Fraser
Lonely Londoners 1890s Style


Glenn Hooper
James Duncan & David Gregory, ed Writes of Passage: Reading Travel Writing
Barbara Korte, Catherine Matthias, trans English Travel Writing: From Pilgrimages to Postcolonial Explorations
Jas Elsner & Joan-Pau Rubiés, ed Voyages & Visions: Towards a Cultural History of Travel
Liselotte Glage, ed Being/s in Transit: Travelling, Migration, Dislocation

Johanna M Smith
Marion Tinling, ed With Women's Eyes: Visitors to the New World 1775-1918

John McLeod
Bernardine Evaristo The Emperor's Babe

Richard Danson Brown
Kenneth Parker, ed Early Modern Tales of Orient: A Critical Anthology Thomas Scanlan Colonial Writing and the New World 1583-1671: Allegories of Desire

Bruce King
Dom Moraes In Cinnamon Shade: New and Selected Poems by

Jess Edwards
Bernhard Klein Maps and the Writing of Space in Early Modern England and Ireland

Peter Morey
D C R A Goonetilleke Salman Rushdie

Ian Dieffenthaller
Stewart Brown Elsewhere
John Agard Weblines

Anita Rupprecht
Steve Clark, ed Travel Writing and Empire: Postcolonial Theory in Transit

Marjorie Attignol Salvodon
Patricia Powell The Pagoda

Patricia Murray
Peter Hulme Remnants of Conquest: The Island Caribs and their Visitors, 1877-1998

. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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