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Issue 51

Wasafiri 51: Cultures of Terror

Issue 51: Summer 2007

Cultures of Terror

Interviews with Pankaj Mishra and Tsitsi Dangarembga

Essays by Ahdaf Soueif and Clare Short

Articles on terrorism, orientalism and imperialism, contemporary Anglo-American fiction and terror

Art Essay on Everlyn Nicodemus, Guantanamo and torture.

Poems by Byron Beynon, Mahmoud Jamal, Sridhar Rajeswaren and Saadi Yousef

Fiction by Jackee Budesta Batanda, Mirian Sivan and Yvonne McCalla Sobers

Reviews of Faisal Devji's Landscapes of Jihad: Militancy, Morality, Modernity, Mia Couto's
Sleepwalking Land, Segun Afolabi's A Life Elsewhere, Lesego Rampolokeng's whiteheart: prologue to hysteria, Imtiaz Dharker's Terrorist At My Table, Dionne Brand's Inventory and Art in the Age of Terrorism edited by Graham Coulter-Smith and Maurice Owen



Susheila Nasta and Elleke Boehmer

Elleke Boehmer
Postcolonial Writing and Terror

Jackee Budesta Batanda
Fiction: Aciro’s Song

Hirsh Sawhney
An Interview with Pankaj Mishra

Robert Eaglestone
‘The Age of Reason is Over … an Age of Fury was Dawning’: Contemporary Anglo-America Fiction and Terror

Byron Beynon

Everlyn Nicodemus
Guantanamo Blues: Knickers as Instruments of Torture

Mahmoud Jamal

Stephen Morton
Terrorism, Orientalism and Imperialism

Mirian Sivan
Fiction: Silhouette

Sridhar Rajeswaran

Vron Ware
The White Fear Factor

Caroline Rooney
An Interview with Tsitsi Dangarembga

Saadi Yousef

Ahdaf Soueif
The Heart of the Matter: Palestine in the World Today

Yvonne McCalla Sobers
Fiction: Fifth Man

Clare Short
Irish Terrorism and Irish Peace: Are There Lessons for Today?


Ranka Primorac
Shimmer Chinodya Chairman of Fools
Sophia Mustafa Broken Reed
Tsitsi Dangarembga The Book of Not
Fred Khumalo Bitches Brew

E A Markham
Mia Couto Sleepwalking Land

Lizzy Attree
Lesego Rampolokeng whiteheart: prologue to hysteria

Bernardine Evaristo
Segun Afolabi A Life Elsewhere

Russell West-Pavlov
Ania Loomba, Sauvir Kaul, Matti Bunzl, Antoinette Burton and Jed Eszty, ed Postcolonial Studies and Beyond

Renate Brosch
Graham Coulter-Smith and Maurice Owen, ed Art in the Age of Terrorism

Thembinkosi Goniwe
Osman Fadl and Ann M Lesch, ed Coping With Torture: Images from the Sudan

Nilufer Bharucha
Imtiaz Dharker The Terrorist At My Table

Suman Gupta
Faisal Devji Landscapes of Jihad: Militancy, Morality, Modernity

Nuzhat Abbas
Dionne Brand Inventory

. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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