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Bernardine Evaristo
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Issue 56

Wasafiri 56: African Europeans

Issue 56: Winter 2008

African Europeans

Interviews with Assia Djebar and Kiemute Okpako

Fiction by Jadelin Mabiala Gangbo, Jamal Mahjoub and Tomáš Zmeškal

Poetry by Agnès Agboton, Bertrand Besigye and Ubax Cristina Ali Farah

Articles on the history of African Europe, Ira Aldridge, French rap and Parisian Negritudes of the 1920s

Reviews of Assia Djebar's Nulle part dans la maison de mon pére, S I Martin's Jupiter Williams and Paul Gilroy's Black Britain: A Photographic History and A Black British Canon? edited by Gail Low and Marion Wynne-Davies



Lyn Innes and Mark Stein

Bernardine Evaristo
CSI Europe: African Trace Elements. Fragments.
Reconstruction. Case Histories. Motive. Personal.

Bernth Lindfors
Ira Aldridge in Germany

Patrice Nganang
Fiction: The Moustached Man

Jean Khalfa
‘The Heart of the Black Race’: Parisian Negritudes in the 1920s

Ana de Medeiros
Interview with Assia Djebar: Filming the Stories of Algerian Women

Ubax Cristina Ali Farah
Poems (translated from the Italian by Gil Fagiani, Victoria Offredi Poletto, Giovanna Bellesia and Teresa Palmiero)

Tomáš Zmeškal
Biography of a Black and White Lamb: An Extract (translated from the Czech by Suzana Dudić)

Stephanie Decouvelaere
‘Ça vient de la rue’: French Rap's Perspective on French Society

Ekpenyong Ani
Adding Her Voice: An Interview with Branwen Kiemute Okpako

Agnès Agboton
Poems (in Gun and Spanish, translated from the Spanish by Maya García de Vinuesa)

Raimi Gbadamosi
The Not-So-New-Europeans: Migration and Novel Manifestations

Sabrina Brancato
Translating the English Canon into Multi-ethnic Italy: Jadelin Mabiala Gangbo’s Rometta e Giulieo

Jadelin Mabiala Gangbo
Rometta e Giulieo: An Extract (translated from the Italian by Imogen Forster)

Bertrand Besigye
Poems (translated from the Norwegian by John Irons)

Jamal Mahjoub
Fiction: Last Thoughts on the Medusa

Robert Fraser
Obituary: Angus Calder (1942 - 2008)

Jean Khalfa
Obituary: Aimé Césaire (1913 - 2008)


Ruvani Ranasinha
Dieter Riemenschneider The Indian Novel in English: Its Critical Discourse 1934 - 2004
Antonia Navarro-Tejero Gender and Caste in the Anglophone-Indian Novels of Arundhati Roy and Gita Hariharan: Feminist Issues in Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Bernd-Peter Lange and Mala Pandurang, ed Mediating Writing in English: German Responses

Sara Lennox
Kien Nghi Ha, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai and Sheila Mysorekar, ed Re/Visionen: Postkoloniale Perspektiven von People of Color auf Rassismus, Kulturpolitik und Widerstand in Deutschland

Florian Stadtler
Peggy Piesche, Michael Küppers, Ekpenyong Ani, Angela Alagiyawanna-Kadalie, ed May Ayim Award: Erster internationaler schwarzer deutscher Literaturpreis 2004

Ana de Medeiros
Assia Djebar Nulle part dans la maison de mon pére

Ksenia Robbe
Catharine Theimer Nepomnyashchy, Nicole Svobodny and Ludmilla A Trigos, ed Under the Sky of My Africa: Alexander Pushkin and Blackness

Adele King
Dominic Thomas Black France: Colonialism, Immigration, and Transnationalism

Eva Ulrike Pirker
R Victoria Arana, ed ‘Black’ British Aesthetics Today
Gail Low and Marion Wynne-Davies, ed A Black British Canon?

Karen McCarthy
S I Martin Jupiter Williams

Anne Spry Rush
David Dabydeen, John Gilmore and Cecily Jones, ed The Oxford Companion to Black British History

Helen Mears
Paul Gilroy Black Britain: A Photographic History
Sara Blair Harlem Crossroads: Black Writers and the Photograph in the Twentieth Century

Eugene McNulty
Christine Matzke and Susanne Mühleisen, eds Postcolonial Postmortems: Crime Fiction from a Transcultural Perspective

. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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