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Issue 63

Wasafiri 63

Issue 63: Autumn 2010

Essay by Ngugi wa Thiong'o

Interviews with Anita Desai, Kiran Desai and Nabaneeta Dev Sen

Life Writing by Elaine Feinstein

Fiction by Simi Awosika, Moetai Brotherson, Anjum Hassan, Soe Tjen Marching and Sridala Swami

Poems by Laksmisree Banerjee, Iain Britton and Keki Daruwalla

Art Essay on material meaning

Articles on J M Coetzee, and new directions in international writing

Reviews of Grace Nichols's Picasso, I Want My Face Back, Moniza Alvi's Europa, Neel Mukherjee's A Life Apart, Mukoma wa Ngugi's  Nairobi Heat and Maaza Mengiste's Beneath the Lion's Gaze



Ngugi wa Thiong'o
Language in Everything to Declare: Celebrating The Pilgrim's Twenty-fifth Birthday

Pavithra Narayanan
Economic Viability of Languages: An Interview with Nabaneeta Dev Sen

Sridala Swami
Fiction: Wordsmith

Keki Daruwalla

Antje M Rauwerda
Not Your Typical 'Diaspora' or 'Third World Cosmopolitan': Unexpectedly International Writing

Elaine Feinstein
Memoir: Fragments of a remembered life

Rizwan Akhtar

Maggie Gee
Anita and Kiran Desai in Conversation: Writing Across the Generations

Jessica Hemmings
Material Meaning

Moetai Brotherson
Fiction: Extract from Le Roi absent (translated from the French by Jean Anderson)

Iain Britton

Soe Tjen Marching
Fiction: The Guardian Angel

Elleke Boehmer
Doubling the Writer: David Attwell on his Textual Dialogue with J M Coetzee

Simi Awosika
Fiction: The Umbrella

Laksmisree Banerjee

Sara Heitlinger
Privileged Tactics

Anjum Hasan
Fiction: Happiness is a Warm Gun


Tabish Khair
Arun Kolatkar The Boatride and Other Poems edited with introduction by Arvind Krishna Mehrotra
Namdeo Dhasal Poet of the Underworld: Poems 1972-2006 introduction and translation by Dilip Chitre with photographs by Henning Stegmuller
Arundhathi Subramaniam Where I Live: New and Selected Poems

Joseph Coelho
Grace Nichols Picasso, I Want My Face Back
Moniza Alvi Europa

Tobe Levin
Chantal Zabus Between Rites and Rights: Excision in Women's Experiential Texts and Human Contexts

Ole Birk Laursen
Bart Moore-Gilbert Postcolonial Life-Writing: Culture, Politics and Self-Representation
Philip Holden Autobiography and Decolonization: Modernity, Masculinity, and the Nation-State

Mithu Banerji
Neel Mukherjee A Life Apart

Lizzy Attree
John Eppel Absent: The English Teacher

Marcia Lynx Qualey
Laila Lalami Secret Son

Sara Wajid
Catherine O'Flynn, ed Roads Ahead

Helon Habila
Mukoma wa Ngugi Nairobi Heat

Christine Matzke
Maaza Mengiste Beneath the Lion's Gaze
. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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