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Issue 67

Wasafiri 67

Issue 67: Autumn 2011

Interviews with Brian Chikwava, Mervyn Morris and Adam Thirlwell

Poems by Chris Hardy, Probal Mazumdar, David Shook, Ruth Vanita and Liang Yujing

Fiction by Mithu Banerji, Chris Dunton, Elizabeth Ingrams and Keith Jardim

Art Essay on Ananda Coomaraswamy and Transcultural Art

Articles on metaphor in Derek Walcott's The Odyssey and Joseph Zobel, home and exile

Reviews of Abraham Verghese's Cutting for Stone, Sulaiman S M Y Addonia's The Consequences of Love, Nadifa Mohamed's Black Mamba Boy, Pal Ahluwalia's Out of Africa: Post-Structuralism's Postcolonial Roots, Tabish Khair's The Thing about Thugs and Meena Alexander's The Poetics of Dislocation



Jenny Zobel and Emily Zobel Marshall
'Lorsque je vais dans mon village' (When I return to my village): Joseph Zobel's Visions of Home and Exile

Keith Jardim
Fiction: Fire in the City

Louis James
Mervyn Morris in Conversation and two poems by Mervyn Morris

Lisa Pike Fiorindi
Derek Walcott's The Odyssey: A Stage Version: An Examination of the Function of Metaphor

Poems by Chris Hardy, Probal Mazumdar, Ruth Vanita, Liang Yujing and David Shook

Elizabeth Ingrams
Fiction: The Empty Quarter

Toby Lichtig
An Interview with Adam Thirlwell

Rupert Richard Arrowsmith
Transcultural Literature and Art, Dance and Sex in the Early Twentieth Century: Ananda Coomaraswamy's Poem 'New England Woods'

Mithu Banerji
Fiction: The Chair

Marius Kociejowski
A Tree Grows in Brixton: Brian Chikwava's dark adventure in Harare North

Brian Chikwava
Memoir: City Portrait: Bulawayo

Tony Simoes da Silva
'The Chief Taxidermist has left the Museum'

Chris Dunton
Fiction: A Man Travels


Christine Matzke
Families in Flux: Transnational Reconnections Across the Horn of Africa and its Diaspora
Abraham Verghese Cutting for Stone
Sulaiman S M Y Addonia The Consequences of Love
Nadifa Mohamed Black Mamba Boy

Anita Rupprecht
Sauvir Kaul Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Postcolonial Studies
Patrick Brantlinger Victorian Literature and Postcolonial Studies

Shane Moran
Pal Ahluwalia Out of Africa: Post-Structuralism's Postcolonial Roots

Supriya Goswami
Sue Walsh Kipling's Children's Literature: Language, Identity and Constructions of Childhood
Caroline Rooney and Kaori Nagai, ed Kipling and Beyond: Patriotism, Globalisation and Postcolonialism

Rachel Bower
Pat Boran The Invisible Prison: Scenes from an Irish Childhood
Christopher Fiz-Simon Eleven Houses: A Memoir of Childhood

Andrew Hock Soon Ng
Miguel Syjuco Illustrado

Devindra Kohli and Vijava John Kohli
Tabish Khair Man of Glass: Poems
Tabish Khair The Thing about Thugs

Jak Peake
Jennifer Rahim Approaching Sabbaths
Kwame Dawes Hope's Hospice and Other Poems

Paul Hardwick
Saleem Peeradina Slow Dance

Madeline Clements
Muneeza Shamsie, ed And the World Changed: Contemporary Stories by Pakistani Women

Rashi Rohatgi
Meena Alexander Poetics of Dislocation

Bina Shah
Aamer Hussein The Cloud Messenger

. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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