Wasafiri 82: The Brazilian Contemporary
Issue 82: Summer 2015
The Brazilian Contemporary
Fiction by Susana Fuentes, Leila Guenther, Joâo Gilberto Noll, Ana Paula Maia, Elvira Vigna and Paloma Vidal
Poems by Josely Vianna Baptista, Paulo Henriques Britto, Marilia Garcia, Ferreira Gullar, Nuno Ramos and Marcos Siscar
Interviews with Sérgio de Carvalho and Marcelo Marisola
Articles on dilemmas of the idea of nation and literary tradition in Brazilian literary criticism until 1990, the tombeau of the Avant-gardes: 'the pluralisation of possible poetics' as a contemporary critical paradigm, translating Brazil and Pixação and Tourist Appraisal
Art Essay on Arthur Bispo do Rosário: The Ruse of Brazilian Art
Reviews of Hilda Hilst's The Obscene Madame D, Lydia Fagundes Telles 's The Girl in the Photograph, Rachel de Queiroz's O Quinze, Zulmira Ribeiro Tavares's Family Heirlooms, Veronica Stigger's Opisane switata, Rubens Figueiredo's Passageiro do fim do dia, Paulo Scott's Nowhere People, Andréa del Fuego's As Miniaturas, Adriana Lisboa's Hanoi and Ricardo Lísias's Divórcio
Roberto Schwarz
A Book's Seven Lives
Leandro Pasini
Displacements of Theory: Some dilemmas of the idea of nation and literary tradition in Brazilian literary criticism until 1990
Marcos Siscar
The Tombeau of the Avant-gardes: 'the pluralisation of possible poetics' as a contemporary critical paradigm
Caetano Waldrigues Galindo
Translating Brazil
Fabio Akcelrud Durão
Arthur Bispo do Rosário: The Ruse of Brazilian Art
Suman Gupta
Pixação and Tourist Appraisal
Fabio Akcelrud Durão
An Interview with Sérgio de Carvalho
Fabio Akcelrud Durão
An Interview with Marcelo Mirisola
João Gilberto Noll
Fiction: My Friend
Elvira Vigna
Fiction: In Writing - an Excerpt
Paloma Vidal
Fiction: Tavistock Square
Leila Guenther
Fiction: Pomegranate
Susana Fuentes
Fiction: Tiger and the Silk Cotton Tree
Ana Paula Maia
Fiction: Javalis no Quintal - Wild Boars in the Backyard
Ferreira Gullar
Nunos Ramos
Paulo Henriques Britto
Josely Vianna Baptista
Marcos Siscar
Marília Garcia
Ana Fletcher
Review Essay: Beyond Clarice: Three Radical Brazilian Women Writers
Hilda Hilst Letters from a Seducer
Hilda Hilst The Obscene Madame D
Lydia Fagundes Telles The Girl in the Photograph
Rachel de Queiroz O Quinze
Lara Pawson
Zulmira Ribeiro Tavares Family Heirlooms
Jethro Soutar
Leonardo Villa-Forte O Explicador
Rafael Sperling Un Homem Burro Morreu
Zoe Perry
Veronica Stigger Opisane switata
Claire Williams
Rubens Figueiredo Passageiro do fim do dia
Paulo Scott Nowhere People
Raquel Ribeiro
Andréa del Fuego As Miniaturas
Adriana Lisboa Hanoi
Francisco Vilhena
Ricardo Lísias Divórcio
Felicity Gee
Rafael Ocasio Afro-Cuban Custumbrismo: From Plantations to the Slums
Thomas F Anderson Carnival and National Identity in the Poetry of Afrocubanismo
Kanika Batra
Dirk Göttsche Remembering Africa: The Rediscovery of Colonialism in Contemporary African Literature
Stef Craps Postcolonial Witnessing: Trauma Out of Bounds
Vijay Mishra
Florian Stadtler Fiction, Film and Indian Popular Cinema: Salman Rushdie's Novels and the Cinematic Imagination
Rajinder Dudrah Bollywood Travels: Culture, Diaspora and Border Crossings in Popular Hindi Cinema
Anjali Gera Roy and Chua Beng Huat, ed Travels of Bollywood Cinema: From Bombay to LA
Yael Maurer The Science Fiction Dimensions of Salman Rushdie