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Issue 84

Wasafiri 84: A Special Issue on Bangladesh

Issue 84: Winter 2015

A Special Issue on Bangladesh

Fiction by Zubier Abdullah, Ikhtisad Ahmed, Sharbari Ahmed, Afsan Chowdhury, Syed Manzoorul Islam, Nupu Press and Shagufta Sharmeen Tania

Poems by Sayeeda Tahera Ahmad, Shoaib Alam, Nausheen Eusuf, Kaiser Haq and Sadaf Saaz

Interview with Tahmima Anam

Essays by Kaiser Haq, Abeer Y Hoque, Khademul Islam and Zeeshan Khan

Art Essay on reading the signs on your ride in Bangladesh

Reviews of K Anis Ahmed's The World in My Hands, Javed Jahangir's Ghost Alley, Leesa Gazi and Samina Lathfa's Birangona: Women of War, Mir Mahfouz Ali 'sMidnight, Dhaka, K Anis Ahmed's Good Night, Mr Kissinger, Saad Z Hossain's Escape from Baghdad!, Ivan Vladislavić's Restless Supermarket, Mimi Khalvati's The Weather Wheel and Imtiaz Dharker's Over the Moon



Ahsan Akbar and K Anis Ahmed

Kaiser Haq
Non-fiction: The Hijra Comes in from the Heat and Dust: Notes towards a Definition of Bangladeshi Writing in English

Khademul Islam
Non-fiction: Second Marriage Chittagong Style

Abeer Y Hoque

Zeeshan Khan
Non-fiction: Doing Pashto: An Extract from A Right to Passage

Sharbari Ahmed
Fiction: Dervish

Zubier Abdullah
Fiction: A Nomad's Home

Nupu Press
Fiction: The Gift

Ikhtisad Ahmes
Fiction: Penetralia

Safia Azim
Art: Learning to Read the Signs: on your ride in Bangladesh

Amy Finnerty
An Interview with Tahmima Anam

Syed Manzoorul Islam
Fiction in Translation: Stone Age

Shagufta Sharmeen Tania
Fiction in Translation: This Gift of Silver (Translated by Shabnam Nadiya)

Afsan Chowdhury
On Hire (Translated by Mahmud Rahman)

Kaiser Haq

Sadaf Saaz

Nausheen Eusuf

Sayeeda Tahera Ahmad

Shoaib Alam


Ibtisam Ahmed
K Anis Ahmed The World in My Hands
Javed Jahangir Ghost Alley
Leesa Gazi and Samina Lathfa Birangona: Women of War

David Shook
Mir Mahfouz Ali Midnight, Dhaka

Roomy Naqvy
Keki N Daruwalla Fire Altar: Poems on the Persians and the Greeks
K Anis Ahmed Good Night, Mr Kissinger

Liam Kinkead
Siddhartha Bose Digital Monsoon
Ahsan Akbar Devil's Thumbprint

Rebecca Foster
Maria Chaudhuri Beloved Strangers

Stephen Thompson
Saad Z Hossain Escape from Baghdad!

Jocelyn Watson
Sadaf Saaz Sari Reams

Shalini Nadaswaran
Pede Hollist So the Path Does Not Die

Rachel Bower
Ivan Vladislavić Restless Supermarket
Eben Venter Wolf Wolf

Barbara Mangame-Ruende
E C Osondo This House is Not for Sale

Devindra Kohli
Mimi Khalvati The Weather Wheel
Imtiaz Dharker Over the Moon

Charles Wolford
Nikesh Shukla Meatspace

Lisa Stead
Paul Julian Smith Mexican Screen Fiction: Between Cinema and Television

. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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