Wasafiri 89
Issue 89: Spring 2017
Fiction by Amita Murray, Makena Onjerika, Merih Günay and Maria Thomas
Poems by Agnes Lam, Rabindra Swain, Cristina Navazo-Eguía Newton, Sudeep Sen, Alan Britt, Anne Elvey and Shadab Zeest Hashmi
Interviews with Agnes Lam, Sudeep Sen and Kevin Hosein
Articles on Hare Street, Labours of love: Literary translation inside and outside the marketplace, The Indian Ocean meets the South Seas: Abdulrazak Gurnah’s Desertion and Robert Louis Stevenson’s Beachcombers and Reimagining National Identity Through Reenactment in the Pacific and Australia
Art Essay on Yinka Shonibare MBE and ‘The British Library'
Reviews of Tabish Khair's The New Xenophobia, Rehana Ahmed Writing British Muslims: Religion, Class and Multiculturalism, James Kelman Dirt Road, Peter Kalu The Silent Striker and Jacob Ross, ed Closure: Contemporary Black British Stories
And the 2016 Wasafiri New Writing Prize Winners: Life Writing, Poetry, Fiction
Susheila Nasta
Vesna Goldsworthy
Hare Street
Boyd Tonkin
Labours of love: Literary translation inside and outside the marketplace
Jennifer Wong
An Interview with Agnes Lam
Agnes Lam
Amita Murray
Fiction: Electric Solutions and Miscellaneous
Rabindra Swain
Mark Sheerin
Yinka Shonibare MBE and ‘The British Library’
Cristina Navazo-Eguía Newton
Makena Onjerika
Fiction: Fanta Blackcurrant
Charne Lavery
The Indian Ocean meets the South Seas: Abdulrazak Gurnah’s Desertion and Robert Louis Stevenson’s Beachcombers
Vibha Malhotra
An Interview with Sudeep Sen
Sudeep Sen
Merih Günay
Fiction: My Son’s Father
Translated from the Turkish by Georgina Őzer
Alan Britt
Monique Roffey
An Interview with Kevin Hosein
Maria Thomas
Fiction: Beryl & June
Anne Elvey
Emma Scanlan
Reimagining National Identity Through Reenactment in the Pacific and Australia
Shadab Zeest Hashmi
The 2016 Wasafiri New Writing Prize Winners: Life Writing, Poetry, Fiction
Kaiser Haq
Review Essay: In the Aftermath of Empire
Ian Almond The Thought of Nirad C Chaudhuri: Islam, Empire and Loss
Tabish Khair The New Xenophobia
Claire Chambers Britain Through Muslim Eyes: Literary Representations 1780-1988
Rehana Ahmed Writing British Muslims: Religion, Class and Multiculturalism
David Firth
Michael Yates The Great Inequality
Prem Kumar Vijayan
Alessandro Marino Acts of Angry Writing: On Citizenship and Orientalism in Postcolonial India
Debadrita Chakraborty
Pavan Kumar Malreddy Orientalism, Terrorism, Indigenism: South Asian Readings in Postcolonialism
Ruksana Abdul-Majid
Leatitia Zecchini Arun Kolatkar and Literary Modernism in India: Moving Lines
David Huddart Involuntary Associations: Postcolonial Studies and World Englishes
Wayne Gooderham
James Kelman Dirt Road
Bill Schwarz
James Davis Eric Walrond: A Life in the Harlem Renaissance and the Transatlantic Caribbean
Christian Høgsbjerg C L R James in Imperial Britain
Keith Jardim
Garth St Omer Prisnms
Stephanie King
Peter Kalu The Silent Striker
Peter Kalu Being Me by Adele Vialli
Tamim Sadikali
Stephen Thompson No More Heroes
Jacob Ross, ed Closure: Contemporary Black British Stories
Elisa Kriza
Leila Aboulela The Kindness of Enemies
Hyacinth Simpson
Diemiruaya Deniran, dir. Diary of a Badman