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Issue 92

Wasafiri 92

Issue 92: Winter 2017

Daughters of Africa Anniversary: Ayobami Adebayo, Ellah Wakatama Allfrey with Margaret Busby, Candida Lacey, Edwige-Renée Dro, Angela Barry, Goretti Kyomuhendo, Nadifa Mohamed, Phillippa Yaa de Villiers

Fiction by Caroline Kinya Mbaya, Tlotlo Tsamaase, Chenko Salvatore, Leone Ross, Sambudha Sen, Carol McKay

Poems by Raymond Antrobus, Salil Chaturvedi, John Siddique

Interviews with Bejan Matur and Kerry Young

Articles by Jonty Driver, Emma Bird and Maria Cristina Fumagalli

Art Essay on Naomi Wanjiku Gakunga's Tushauriane – Let's Talk About It

Reviews: Sunila Galappatti A Long Watch: War, Captivity and Return in Sri Lanka; Lakshmi Holmström and Sascha Ebeling, ed Lost Evenings, Lost Lives: Tamil Poems of the Sri Lankan War; Nayomi Munaweera What Lies Between Us; Abdulrazak Gurnah Gravel Heartand more...


Arifa Akbar

Daughter of Africa anniversary series

Ellah Wakatama Allfrey
An Interview with Margaret Busby

Candida Lacey
Memoir: Daughters of Africa

Phillippa Yaa de Villiers
Poem: Tissue Paper
Poem: Common Wealth

Encounters with ‘Daughters of Africa’ from around the world

Edwige-Renée Dro    Côte d’Ivoire 

Angela Barry Bermuda

Goretti Kyomuhendo Uganda

Nadifa Mohamed Somalia

Phillippa Yaa de Villiers South Africa

Ayobami Adebayo Nigeria

Caroline Kinya Mbaya Fiction: The 43rd Tribe    

Tlotlo Tsamaase
Fiction: They Don’t Believe God Grows in Our Hearts

Julian Wacker An Interview with Kerry Young    

Jonty Driver
Essay: ‘On Treachery, friendship and forgiveness’    

Emma Bird
Essay: ‘Relocating Bombay’s Poetry Scene: Taking a Walk through the City of Dreams’    

An Interview with Bejan Matur   

Charlotte Jansen
Art piece: Naomi Wanjiku Gakunga’s ‘Tushauriane – Let’s Talk About It’   

Maria Cristina Fumigalli
Art: Derek Wallcott and Peter Doig, ‘Morning, Paramin’

Jorge Cino
Fiction: What We Choose to Reveal   

Leone Ross
Fiction: This One Sky Day    

Sambudha Sen
Fiction: God Tussi Gay Ho

Carol McKay
Fiction: Troubles

Salil Chaturvedi
Poetry: Balcao Jazz    

Raymond Antrobus
Poetry: Wear You Last Autumn
Recognising Mum’s Boyfriend  

John Siddique
Poetry: The Years Ahead Are Heavy
Last Skies of the Year    


Birte Heidemann Review Essay

Sunila Galappatti A Long Watch: War, Captivity and Return in Sri Lanka

Lakshmi Holmström and Sascha Ebeling, ed Lost Evenings, Lost Lives: Tamil Poems of the Sri Lankan War

Nayomi Munaweera What Lies Between Us

Petr Barta
Abdulrazak Gurnah Gravel Heart

Jane Feaver
Vivek Shanbhag Ghachar Ghochar

Suvasree Karanjai
Tishani Doshi The Adulterous Citizen
Sadhu Binning Fauji Banta Singh and Other Stories

Edwige-Renée Dro
Ahmed Masoud Vanished, the mysterious disappearance of Mustafa Ouda
Marie Vieux Chauvet Dance on the Volcano

WB Gooderham
Armando Lucas Correa The German Girl

Debadrita Chakraborty
Claire Chambers and Caroline Herbert, ed Imagining Muslims in South Asia and the Diaspora: Secularism, religion, representations

Maya Parmar
Saima S Hussain, ed The Muslimah who fell to Earth: Personal stories by Canadian Muslim Women

Wendy Singer
Ruvani Ranasinha Contemporary Diasporic South Asians Women's Fiction
Maria Ridda Imagining Bombay, London, New York and Beyond: South Asian Diasporic Writing from 1990 to the Present

Rehana Ahmed
Rupa Huq, ed Reading the Riot Act: Reflections on the 2011 Urban Disorders in England
Nurjehan Aziz, ed The Relevance of Islamic Identity in Canada: Culture, Politics, and Self

Valerie L Popp
Stella Bolaki and Sabine Broeck, ed Audre Lorde’s Transnational Legacies
Monica Hanna, Jennifer Harford Vargas, José David Saldívar, ed Junot Diaz and the Decolonial Imagination

Jakob von Baeyer
Kaori Nagai, Caroline Rooney, Donna Landry, Monica Mattfield, Charlotte Sleigh and Karen Jones, ed Cosmopolitan Animals

Among the Contributors 

. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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