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Issue 94

Wasafiri 94

Issue 94: Summer 2018

Editorial Susheila Nasta

Windrush Women special section including Beryl Gilroy, Grace Nichols, Janice Shinebourne, Malika Booker, Hannah Lowe, Jay Bernard, Maria del Pilar Kaladeen, Grace Aneiza Ali, Karen McCarthy Woolf, Gemma Weekes

Wasafiri New Writing Prize 2017 winners Julie Abrams-Humphires,  Ndinda Kioko, Mehran Waheed

Interview Brian Chikwava with Novuyo Rosa Tshuma

Articles Francesca Mussi

Art Jorge Orteiza, Eduardo Chillida

Life Writing by Adnan Sarwar, Julie Abrams-Humphries

Fiction by Ndinda Kioko, Sujit Saraf, Monique McIntosh, Niala Maharaj

Poetry by Hannah Lowe, Mehran Waheed

Reviews: Shiva Rahbaran Iranian Cinema Uncensored; Bruce King From New National to World Literature; Zilka Joseph Sharp Blue Search of Flame; César Vallejo Scales; Bashir Abu-Manneh The Palestinian Novel; Shara McCallum Madwoman; and more...



Volume 33, Number 2, June 2018

Editorial                                                                                               Susheila Nasta


Special Section: Windrush Women

Inside the Frame                                                                                   Hannah Lowe

In Praise of Love and Children                                                              Beryl Gilroy

Old Cane-cutter at Airport                                                                     Grace Nichols

Surged                                                                                                 Jay Bernard

Pepper Seed                                                                                         Malika Booker

An Interview with Beryl Gilroy                                                             Susheila Nasta

Windrushed                                                                                         Maria del Pilar Kaladeen

An Interview with Janice Shinebourne                                                   Susheila Nasta

Unfixed Homeland                                                                               Grace Aneiza Ali



An Interview with Novuyo Rosa Tshuma                                               Brian Chikwava

Back to Iraq                                                                                         Adnan Sarwar

Some Freedom Dreams                                                                         Ndinda Kioko

The Basque Country: Two Artists                                                          Mark Sheerin

A Good Day in Connaught Place                                                           Sujit Saraf

Crinoline Lady                                                                                     Julie Abrams-Humphries

Five Sonnets                                                                                         Hannah Lowe

Truth and Reconciliation in Nadine Gordimer’s The House Gun              Francesca Mussi

Picturesque                                                                                           Monique McIntosh

The Queen of Coconut Chutney                                                             Niala Maharaj

Petit Navire                                                                                          Mehran Waheed




Ben Verghese                                                   Review Essay

Koleka Putuma Collective Amnesia

Pumla Dineo Gqola Reflecting Rogue: Inside the Mind of a Feminist

Pumla Dineo Gqola Rape: A South African Nightmare


Aurogeeta Das                                                  Anjali Nerlekar Bombay Modern: Arun Kolatkar and Bilingual Literary Culture


Patricia Duffaud                                               Shiva Rahbaran Iranian Cinema Uncensored


Fathima M.                                                       Ed. Divya Mathur Desi Girls: Stories by Women Abroad


Cecile Standten                                                Shanta Acharya Imagine: New and Selected Poems


Emma Nuttall                                                   Bruce King From New National to World Literature, Essays and Reviews


Rochelle Potkar                                                Grace Nichols The Insomnia Poems

Jean ‘Binta’ Breeze The Verandah Poems


Kelly Fordon                                                    Shivanee Ramlochan Everyone Knows I Am a Haunting

Zilka Joseph Sharp Blue Search of Flame


Urussa Malik                                                    Ćesar Vallejo (Translated by Joseph Mulligan) Scales


Sameen Borker                                                 Maryam Mirza Intimate Class Acts: Friendship and Desire in Indian and Pakistani Women’s Fiction

Anna Bernard                                                   Bashir Abu-Manneh The Palestinian Novel: From 1948 to the Present


Laëtitia Saint-Loubert                                       Shara McCallum Madwoman

Marie Vieux-Chauvet Dance on the Volcano


Wayne Gooderham                                           James Kelman That Was a Shiver and Other Stories
. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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