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Issue 98, Summer 2019

Wasafiri 98: Queer Worlds/Global Queer

Also available on Kindle

Editorial by Dean Atta and Andrew van der Vlies

Interviews with Andra Simons, Artemisa Téllez, Rosamond S. King

Articles Queering the Indian Novel; Queering the Arab Spring: Belonging in Saleem Haddad's Guapa; A Queer World - Literary Reading of May-Lan Tan's 'Date Night'

Art Roelof Petrus van Wyk

Fiction by Alithnayn Abdulkareem, Christopher Gonzalez, KUCHENGA, Adam Smith

Drama by Mojisola Adebayo

Poetry by Mary Jean Chan, Keith Jarrett, Andriniki Mattis, Colin McGuire, oakley, Sara Saab, Kostya Tsolákis

Reviews: Rita Indiana Tentacle; Alex Pilcher A Queer Little History of Art; Billy-Ray Belcourt This Wound is a World; Daniel Heath Justice Why Indigenous Literatures Matter; Pim Higginson Scoring Race: Jazz, Fiction, and Francophone Africa; Chike Frankie Edozien Lives of Great Men: Living and Loving as an African Gay Man;

and more...


Guest Edited by Dean Atta and Andrew van der Vlies

Dean Atta and Andrew van der Vlies                         Editorial

Kate Houlden                          Narrative and Normative Disjuncture: A Queer

World-Literary Reading of May-Lan Tan’s ‘Date Night’

Sara Saab                                Poem

Kostya Tsolákis                       Poems

Julia Constantino                    An Interview with Artemisa Téllez

Alithnayn Abdulkareem         Fiction: Reunion

Christopher Gonzalez Fiction: They Can Leave Your Soul to Dry

Ulka Anjaria                            Queering the Indian Novel

Andriniki Mattis                     Poem

Mojisola Adebayo                  Stars

Roelof Petrus van Wyk           Prosody for a Queer Alphabet: Contemporary

Performance Art Practices in South Africa

Colin McGuire                        Poem

Monique Roffey                     An Interview with Rosamond S King

Nadia Atia                               Queering the Arab Spring: Belonging in Saleem

Haddad’s Guapa

KUCHENGA                         Fiction: Saved

oakley                                      Poems

Mary Jean Chan                      Poem

Keith Jarrett                            Poem

kitt price                                  An Interview with Andra Simons

Adam Smith                            Fiction: Hands


Alexandra Gonzenbach Perkins                      Review Essay: Transtemporality in Twenty-First Century Queer Representation

Rita Indiana Tentacle
Héctor Domínguez Ruvalcaba Translating the Queer: Body Politics and Transnational Conversations

Holly R Cashman  Queer, Latinx, and Bilingual: Narrative Resources in the Negotiation of Identities

Nisha Ramayya                                               Review Essay:

Billy-Ray Belcourt This Wound is a World

Daniel Heath Justice Why Indigenous Literatures Matter

Leanne Betasamosake Simpson As We Have Always Done: Indigenous Freedom through Radical Resistance

Joshua Whitehead Full-Metal Indigiqueer

Bogdan Popa                                        Cosmin Nasui and Cristian Vasil (Curators) ‘Erotism and Sexuality in the “Golden Age”: Ceaușescu’s Dictatorship, 1965-1989’

João Florêncio                                                Alex Pilcher A Queer Little History of Art

Alberto Fernández Carbajal                            Tehmina Khan Things She Could Never Have: Stories

Matthew Lecznar                                            Azeenarh Mohammed, Chitra Nagarajan and Rafeeat Aliyu, eds She Called Me Woman: Nigeria’s Queer Women Speak

Ruth Bush                                                       Pierre-Philippe Fraiture and Daniel Orrells, eds The Mudimbe Reader

Pim Higginson Scoring Race: Jazz, Fiction, and Francophone Africa

James Reay Williams                         Elleke Boehmer Postcolonial Poetics: 21st-Century Critical Readings

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