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12 September 2024

Sex Sonnet by Zeina Hashem Beck

Wasafiri is pleased to share 'Sex Sonnet' by Zeina Hashem Beck, a poem specially commissioned to mark the publication of our our 40th Anniversary Issue, Wasafiri 119: Futurisms.

Wasafiri 119: Futurisms is available to order now, or you can purchase the Wasafiri anniversary bundle, giving you deep insight into the history and trajectory of the magazine and literary landscape across four decades.

Sex Sonnet

To kill the Lazarus calla lilies —
if only we could. Return, remind me
of death. See how birds fly & unbury.
If we have to begin again, let’s talk
about the scent of coffee. Start with fresh
regret & chat of the stupid weather.
Spare me the how-are-yous because you know
I’m unwell. Point to the moon above us,
musical note on electricity
wires. Fuck the rites: I burned papers I
loaded with fear — it rebounds. I’m made of
heart, basketball that won’t still, won’t remain
on this lost planet. Here in medias res,
I thrive. I look with breasts, I eat with eyes.

I thrive. I look with breasts, I eat with eyes
on this lost planet. Here in medias res:
heart (basketball that won’t still, won’t remain
loaded with fear) — it rebounds! I’m made of
wires. Fuck the rites. I burned papers. I,
musical note on electricity,
I’m on. Well, point to the moon above us,
spare me the how-are-yous because you know
regret & chat of the stupid weather.
About the scent of coffee, let’s start with fresh.
If we have to begin again, let’s talk
of death. See how birds fly & unbury —
if only we could return. Remind me
to kill the Lazarus calla lilies.

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Photo by Winston Chen on Unsplash

Zeina Hashem Beck is a Lebanese poet. Her collection of 40 palindromic sonnets, titled This Was Supposed to Be About Beauty, is forthcoming from Penguin Poets in Spring 2027. She’s the winner of the 2023 Arab American Book Award for Poetry for O, which was named a Best Book of the Year by Literary Hub and The New York Public Library. She’s also the author of Louder than Hearts and To Live in Autumn, as well as the chapbooks 3arabi Song and There Was and How Much There Was. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, The Atlantic, LARB, Lithub, The Nation, Academy of American Poets, and elsewhere. She’s the co-editor, with Hala Alyan, of the anthology We Call to the Eye and the Night: Love Poems by Writers of Arab Descent. She’s the co-creator and co-host, with poet Farah Chamma, of Maqsouda, a podcast in Arabic about Arabic poetry. After a lifetime in Lebanon and a decade in Dubai, Zeina has recently moved with her family to California.
Autumn 2024, 40th Anniversary
Wasafiri 119: 40th Anniversary Issue – Futurisms

Introducing our 40th Anniversary Issue — Wasafiri 119: Futurisms
This issue brings to the fore writers whose perspectives – on the present and on the future – have historically been sidelined. From alternative histories to critiques of the late-capitalist present; high fantasy, sci-fi and the posthuman; theories of landscape, the city, and the body; this milestone issue will showcase a branching network of writing on and around the power of persistence as resistance, as we continue to imagine into being futures that defy an increasingly oppressive present. 

. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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