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Issue 103, Autumn 2020

Wasafiri 103

Wasafiri Issue 103 

Editorial The Unbearable Lightness of Whiteness

Interviews Cathy Park Hong; Alex Wheatle

Articles ‘Whitely’: Race and Lyric Subjectivity in Clare Pollard’s Poetry; Re-Reading Penelope Lively’s Oleander Jacaranda; Other White

Art Thinking Through Race in Bruce Nauman's Body Painting

Fiction Laure Baudot, Alicia Mietus, Lijia Zhang

Poetry Jennie Owen, Bibhu Padhi, Desirée Seebaran, Jeremy Wikeley

Life-writing Claire Hynes, Ruby D. Jones

Review Essay Political and Planetary Panic: Penning Motherhood in Trump’s America

Reviews Claire Adam, Golden Child; Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff, ed., Mother Country: Real
Stories of the Windrush Children; Hebe Uhart, The Scent of Buenos Aires;
Fikr Taunsvi, The Sixth River: A Journal from the Partition of India

and more...



The Unbearable Lightness of Whiteness
Malachi McIntosh


An Island of Whiteness: Rereading Penelope Lively’s Oleander, Jacaranda (1994)
Emma Parker

‘Whitely’: Race and Lyric Subjectivity in Clare Pollard’s Poetry
Kayo Chingonyi

Other White
Monique Roffey


Sinking Colour/Colouring Skin: Thinking through Race in Bruce Nauman’s Body Painting
Levi Prombaum

Life Writing

Claire Hynes

Born in the USSR: Soundtrack to a Childhood
Naneh V Hovhannisyan

Natural Causes
Ruby D Jones


Reggae, Roots and the Brixton Bard: Carolyn Cooper Talks to Alex Wheatle
Carolyn Cooper

On Minor Feelings: Cathy Park Hong
Sharlene Teo


Spring Flower
Lijia Zhang

Third Person Female
Alicia Mietus

Laure Baudot


Early Morning Facts and a Few Questions
Bibhu Padhi

El Nabatat Island
Jeremy Wikeley

Today My Heart Is
Jennie Owen

Desirée Seebaran


Review Essay: Political and Planetary Panic: Penning Motherhood in Trump’s America
Mira Jacob, Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations
Devi S Laskar, The Atlas of Reds and Blues
Jenny Offill, Weather
Sana Goyal

Farhan Samanani, Race in Britain: Inequality, Identity and Belonging
Lara Choksey

Patricia Smith, Incendiary Art

Paul Maddern, The Tipping Line

Ines P Rivera Prosdocimi

Lawrence Aje, Thomas Lacroix and Judith Misrahi-Barak, eds, Re-imagining the Guyanas
Alastair Niven

Claire Adam, Golden Child
Laëtitia Saint-Loubert
Maaz Bin Bilal, Ghazalnāma: Poems from Delhi, Belfast, and Urdu
Fikr Taunsvi, trans. by Maaz Bin Bilal, The Sixth River: A Journal from the Partition of India
Fatima Naveed

Hebe Uhart, trans. by Maureen Shaughnessy, The Scent of Buenos Aires: Stories by Hebe Uhart

Kei Miller, In Nearby Bushes
Valerie L Popp

Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff, ed., Mother Country: Real Stories of the Windrush Children
Ra Page, ed., Resist: Stories of Uprising
Samanta Bellotta

Alev Adil, Aydın Mehmet Ali, Bahriye Kemal and Maria Petrides, eds, Nicosia beyond Barriers:
Voices from a Divided City
Chris Campbell

Alex Tickell, ed., The Novel in South and South East Asia since 1945
Emma Bird

Natasha Kanapé Fontaine, trans. by Howard Scott, Blueberries and Apricots
Joseph A Dandurand, SH:LAM (The Doctor)
Nisha Ramayya

Dean Atta, illustrated by Anshika Khullar, The Black Flamingo
Jana Funke

Nikhil Govind, Inlays of Subjectivity: Affect and Action in Modern Indian Literature
E Dawson Varughes

. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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