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Issue 78

Wasafiri 78: Writing the Balkans

Issue 78: Summer 2014


Writing the Balkans

Fiction and Drama by David Albahari, Doruntina Basha, Aleksandar Gatalica, Alma Lazarevska and Dragi Mihajlovski

Poems by Ales Debeljak, Milena Markovic and Igor Stiks

Interviews with Panos Karnezis, Pavle Sosberger and Dubravka Ugresic

Articles on 'Mlada Bosna': Young Bosnia and an anthropology of literary success from ex-Yugoslavia

Art Essay on Mileta Prodanovic: Studio in an Earthquake Zone

Reviews of Mircea Cartarescu's Why We Love Women, Aglaja Veteranyi's Why the Child is Cooking in the Polenta, Cecilia Stefanescu's Sun Alley, Dasa Drndic's Trieste, Jelena Lengold's Fairground Magician, Marija Knezevic's Ekaterini and Alain Mabanckou's Blue, White, Red




Vesna Goldsworthy

Muharem Bazdulj
'Mlada Bosna': Young Bosnia (Translated from the Serbo-Croatian by Celia Hawkesworth)

Aleksandar Gatalica
Fiction: A Small Gift from the Isles in the Third Year of the War (Translated from the Serbian by Will Firth)

Vedrana Velickovic
Europe in Sepia: An Interview with Dubravka Ugresic (Translated from the post-Yugoslav by the author)

Kapka Kassabova
Ruin Blues

Milena Markovic
Poems (Translated from the Serbian by Vesna Goldsworthy)

Igor Stiks
Poem (Translated from the Bosnian/Croatian by Andrew Wachtel)

Alma Lazarevska
Plants are something else (Translated from the Bosnian by Celia Hawkesworth)

Mileta Prodanovic
Studio in an earthquake zone: A personal essay (Translated from the Serbian by Celia Hawkesworth)

David Albahari
Lolita, Lolita (Translated from the Serbian by Ellen Elias-Bursac)

Dragi Mihajlovski
Pop Goes the Weasel (Translated from the Macedonian by Will Firth)

Ginnane Brownwell
English Novels, Greek Histories: An Interview with Panos Karnezis

Ales Debeljak
Poems (Translated from the Slovenian by Brian Henry)

Doruntina Basha
Extract from The Finger: A Play (Translated from the Albanian by Doruntina Basha and Janice Mathie-Heck)

Andrea Pisac
An Anthropology of Literary Success: 'hits', 'near-misses' and 'failures' from ex-Yugoslavia

Mark Thompson
An Alphabet for Danilo Kis

Dragan Kujundzic
Frozen Time, Liquid Memories: An Interview Portrait of Pavle Sosberger (Translated from the Serbian by Dragan Kujundzic)


Alex Drace-Francis
Review Essay: 'All you need is love'
Mircea Cartarescu Why We Love Women
Aglaja Veteranyi Why the Child is Cooking in the Polenta
Cecilia Stefanescu Sun Alley

Wendy Bracewell
Dasa Drndic Trieste

Sonja Besford
Jelena Lengold Fairground Magician
Marija Knezevic Ekaterini

Nebojsa Radic
Vladislav Bajac Hamam Balkania

Tony White
Zoran Zivkovic The Library

Bella Reid
Adnan Mahmutovic How to Fare Well and Stay Fair
Tadeusz Rozewicz Mother Departs

Mushtaq Ul Haq Ahmad Sikander
Saadi Youssef Nostalgia, My Enemy
Mahmoud Saeed Ben Barka Lane

Rashi Rohatgi
Alain Mabanckou Blue, White, Red
Kathryn Batchelor and Claire Bisdorff, ed Intimate Enemies: Translation in Francophone Contexts

Nicola Robinson
Walid El Hamamsy and Mounira Soliman, ed Popular Culture in the Middle East and North Africa: A Postcolonial Outlook
Karima Laachir and Saeed Talajooy, ed Resistance in Contemporary Middle Eastern Cultures: Literature, Cinema and Music

Ipshita Mitra
Attia Hosain A Distant Traveller: New & Selected Fiction

Gary McKeone
Anthony Roche, ed The Cambridge Companion to Brian Friel
Geraldine Higgins Brian Friel

. Jonathan Cape Beautiful City

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