Durre Shahwar
Durre Shahwar is a writer and researcher with a PhD in autofiction and Pakistani-Welsh identity from Cardiff University. She was shortlisted and highly commended for the Morley Lit Prize 2022. Durre is the co-editor of multiple books: Gathering: Women of Colour on Nature (404 Ink); Just So You Know (Parthian Books). She was the recipient of a Future Wales Fellowship, researching climate justice and art. She was formerly a Deputy Editor at Wasafiri. Durreshahwar.com
Durre Shahwar is a writer and researcher with a PhD in autofiction and Pakistani-Welsh identity from Cardiff University. She was shortlisted and highly commended for the Morley Lit Prize 2022. Durre is the co-editor of multiple books: Gathering: Women of Colour on Nature (404 Ink); Just So You Know (Parthian Books). She was the recipient of a Future Wales Fellowship, researching climate justice and art. She was formerly a Deputy Editor at Wasafiri. Durreshahwar.com